The 5 Love Languages of Employees

Love heart outline drawn on foggy window with lights in the background at night
February 8, 2023

Feeling valued in the veterinary workplace, is essential for longevity, for meaningful employment and career satisfaction. Employers are actively striving to achieve this.


Expression of professional value can look quite different to different people. 


One analogy to consider, is that of the ‘The 5 Love Languages’ espoused by Gary Chapman. 


For those not familiar with the love language vocabulary, it is broken down into:


1. Words of affirmation

2. Quality time

3. Acts of service

4. Gifts

5. Physical touch


Some of us have our love/value tank filled strongly by one method, for others it is a combination. It is up to an employer to discover what fills the love/value tank of their current or potential employee. On the flip side, it is up to employees to make their needs known.


So, what fills your tank?

1.     Words of affirmation

Is it encouragement and acknowledgement of effort? Is it having regular performance reviews scheduled, with goal setting and future appraisal?


2.     Quality time

Is it finishing work on time, having time allocated during a shift to perform administrative work, having time for continuing education, time for holidays, time for family or other personal needs?


3.     Acts of service

Is it having roster changes facilitated when required or having a peer pick up extra consults when you are running behind? Is it receiving help with a difficult case or surgery?


4.     Gifts

Is it receiving a fair remuneration, being paid overtime, having provision of new equipment when required or requested to follow special interests?


5.     Physical touch

This category could be likened to enjoying a congenial, positive workplace where staff feel comfortable with a level of connectivity. Is it important that colleagues smile, share a joke and show interest in personal matters? Are social events with work colleagues desired? 


Filling up an employee’s work love/value tank is vital to feeling valued in the workplace and maintaining job satisfaction. Everyone is different with varying needs. Unlocking the key to the workplace ‘value’ tank can be a very rewarding process for all.