Repurpose Your Veterinary Career

Tan dog sitting on a white dog bed
January 2, 2023

I had a bit of time on my hands over the Christmas break. A broken wooden trundle bed sat discarded in the garage and I pondered how it might be repurposed. I am never one to shy away from re-using or repurposing items.


After some careful deliberation, modest alterations and a lick of paint, (and a little bit of help from family members), I created two wooden dog beds for my much-loved hound.


It got me thinking. It is not hard with a bit of thought, creativity and very minor modifications to repurpose anything.


What about your career path?


Are you feeling stuck in an assumed trajectory that isn’t quite aligned with your values, isn’t providing the purpose you seek or just not making you happy?


With a bit of space to let your thoughts wander and time to reassess, options outside of the box can be considered.


Within the veterinary field there is such a diversity of roles from emergency work, small and large animal work, clinical specialisation, leadership, education, management, sales, government, pharmaceuticals, research and business ownership.


There are many skills within the veterinary field that can be transferred to other roles. We are very skilled problem solvers, researchers, managers, leaders, and communicators.


With an open mind, a few modifications of a curriculum vitae and a different perspective applied to skill set and strengths, many new career possibilities become options.


Just like the trundle bed to dog bed transformation, afterwards you may be left wondering why you didn’t see the possibilities earlier.


And a final note on the new dog bed; my dog decided the side panel was a great tool to keep the tarter at bay from her teeth. The new dog bed is not shiny and new anymore. But then, nothing in this world is perfect and it’s all about perspective. I won’t have to do a dental scale and polish on her teeth any time soon.