How vets manage the stress dealing with an unhappy pet owner?

Dog dressed as a veterinarian
November 23, 2022

I was recently chatting to a previous veterinary colleague about a situation they are currently in that is causing a degree of stress. An adverse outcome, through no act of negligence, has resulted in a somewhat disgruntled owner.

Despite an appropriate and fair financial agreement and a now well pet, there are still rumblings of negative exposure on social media and other similar threats.

There have been multiple attempts to communicate directly with the owner to try to diffuse the situation. Empathy has been shown, to no avail.

My colleague is stressed!

We discussed various methods to manage this  stress. Facing the possible but unlikely worst case scenario head on and painting a clear picture of what this might look like and how one might handle it, is one approach. Sometimes facing the monster head on can diminish the fear it evokes.

We discussed focusing on the many positive outcomes my colleague has achieved over the years.  Too easily we forget the 99 cases that went well and focus on the single one that didn't.

Stopping negative thoughts with ones of gratitude can also help. Even spending 10 minutes daily diarising the many things in your life to be grateful for, lifts your emotions.

Finally self care was discussed. Exercise, time outside in nature, meditation and listening to calming music can all help to reduce stress and anxiety in these situations.